Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dr. Appt. & Flat Tire

Yesterday was one of those days. Zeke and I went to the kids school at 1:30 to pick up Hezekiah for both of the boys annual check up with the doctor. We went early to check in with the 15 year old girl whom I mentor and found out she was suspended for fighting. Not good. I also found out when I went in the office that the afterschool activities were being cancelled due to the snow. Which meant that I needed to get Akila and Imani out of school early to go to the doctor with us as well. So I spent a half hour tracking all 3 of my kids down, getting on boots and all the winter junk and then driving to Children's Clinic in South Mpls. Our appt. was for 2:15, we left at 4:00. Akila was bouncing off the wall in the little exam room, literally. She couldn't keep her hands off anything. They were all getting flu shots and were a getting a little worked up about this. Except for Akila. She loves shots--I am serious. Last time she saw the doctor, she did not need any shots and threw a fit and begged for one. She is a little nuts. So she is excited for a shot, and raging a bit cuz she wants a shot NOW. Hezekiah started to freak out as we got closer to the shot time, which was a new experience for me. None of my kids have ever pitched a fit over shots and not cried for more than the 3 seconds it takes for a shot.

I finally had to put Akila on my back, piggy back style when the dr. was talking to settle her down. Worked for a few moments, until she took out my hair clip and I couldn't see anything. We finally got out of there at 4:00 and it took 1 1/2 hours to get home. Usually takes 20 minutes. Did I mention this is at 4:00? My kids haven't had anything to eat since lunch. Thankfully I had some nutrigrain bars in my emergency stash which appeased a few of them. Two out of the four had to go potty about 45 minutes into the wait, but there was no way I was getting off that road. It was not a fun night. Got home, put a movie in, and skipped homework for the night-I didn't have it in me.

Even better, this morning, I have a totally flat tire when I go out to the van to go meet a former student of mine for breakfast (hi Kalpesh!). I call him and he was good enough to come and get me. This afternoon, I changed the tire and spent the evening trying to deal with lots of rages. Michael had to work late. It was a long night. I pray that tomorrow will be more mellow (as I sit at Tires Plus waiting in silence for a new tire).

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