Saturday, December 5, 2009

Couple of updates

I did forget to update on how Akila's date night went- it was super FUN! We went out to dinner, and then to Cinderella at Children's Theatre, which was my favorite play I have ever seen there- I highly recommend it! It was absolutely hilarious and very entertaining for Michael and I as adults, and for Akila.

Akila was very well behaved during dinner, the play and our trip to Target for her to pick out a toy. This is the routine on date night for each kid, dinner, an event and a toy. She was also good for about the first 10 minutes after we got home, and then the junky behavior kicked in. But a few hours of joy with her were really appreciated and needed.

She also did come home on Thursday with mascara and eye liner on, thankfully that is all she had brought to school so she wasn't into the full fledged hooker look. My make up has found a new hiding spot, and hopefully it will last for a few months before she finds it.


dorothy said...

I so hear you on the makeup thing! I'm starting to seriously consider only puting it on in the van and keeping it hidden under my seat. And that my friend is why we are no longer tempted to buy Elizabeth Arder or Este Lauder. Nothing like a $25 eyeliner going missing....

Unknown said...

I quit wearing makeup when I had my 2 daughters. I've become a throw and go Mom.
I feel for you. I am usually up at 1:30/3:30 and 5:30 due to my daughter with special needs waking with anything from getting uncovered, needing a change or just being darn mad and hitting. Nights are no fun!
Hello-hello-hello- The place that Imani and Hezekiah will play at is called Pondview, in the Chandler building. I just check in at the front desk of Chandler. I will be waiting until everyone arrives. The students will each play their songs, either from Recital or one of the Christmas songs if they are comfortable with it.(maybe both if we have time) In between each students playing we will do a little caroling with students helping sing. It will probably last about an hour and then they and the seniors will share a treat to eat. Thank you for doing this. Are you comfortable with explaining alzheimer's to your kids? I'll see you there. My phone is 529-4540 if questions, Thanks again, Jaette

Unknown said...

By the way, Zeke is more than welcome to play something, if he feels comfortable enough at this point.(The seniors would love him, I'm sure) It is strictly up to him. He can even come just to check it out if he'd prefer for a first time. Jaette