Monday, March 3, 2008

Pretty Good Weekend

Our weekend went pretty smoothly, and for that, I am very grateful. We needed a good one. We once again finished Akila's homework on Saturday which we have done now for over a month. It has made a huge difference in bringing down the stress during the weeknights. Michael brought Akila out and about on Saturday afternoon running errands and she played with Barbies most of Saturday evening, very nicely.

On Sunday, we tried out a new church, one we had been to well over a year ago and it went pretty well. We sat in the back row and I was thankful for that as Akila was hitting and kicking me quite a bit the first half. She was upset that Zekey was being too loud and he needed to be "shushed", but he really didn't. But she had it in her head. I finally had to bring her out in the hall but we were able to re-enter and by the time the sermon came, she was great. Opposite of what you would expect, but I prefer it that way. We went to lunch afterwards and when asking the kids about what they learned, she was the only one who could repeat any of the sermon. It was really cool, she actually heard a good deal of it.

The church we had been attending, has children's church and the kids leave prior to the sermon. This is something that is very helpful, especially due to Akila's behavior. But the church wasn't feeling right. We are praying this one will.

Akila's special ed teacher emailed today saying that Akila had a good day and she was pretty good tonight as well. It feels nice to be able to say that. I'm not sure if I have mentioned in this blog yet that Emily, who is our past babysitter, current friend, nurse, fiance to Jesse and many other things, moved in with us yesterday. She is getting married the first weekend in June and her lease was up end of February, so she needs a place to stay for 3 months. We are thrilled!!!! The kids love her (as do Michael and I) and an extra set of hands and eyes is always helpful. She is staying in Imani's room and Imani is in with the boys, which they all 3 are excited about. Akila is not too excited that she doesn't get to sleep elsewhere, but that would be a nightmare! I told here she could on some weekends.

I am meeting tomorrow morning with Kelly from MOFAS about starting up a support group for FASD parents in Hennepin County. Looking forward to that. I am also going to attend a FASD conference the first week of April in Madison. Lots going on.

1 comment:

Kari said...

You'll like Kelly! How great that you are looking to find ways to support other families! Share your wisdom, girl! ~Kari