Friday, February 6, 2009

Long Day Ahead

Akila has been having a super week, and I think I told her that too many times tonight. Today has been rough already. I first heard her up at 6:00 am, when she was waking up all of the other kids. She had already had breakfast, gotten dressed, colored and watched two movies. Often, when she has these early mornings, she is really good. Not today. Many power struggles already.

And the best part, is that she has an all day field trip that I am chaperoning. Lord help me. I suppose that may be why she got up in the middle of the night, out of excitement. But I am nervous about how it will go today. If she is this out of it, having me around will only make matters worse. I may have to drive separately and leave if she is being too nutty.

She is so much worse when I am around, that I rarely do things with her class. And if she isn't acting worse, she is acting like a baby, holding my hand, wanting to sit on my lap, etc. It is embarrassing. She doesn't realize it, but I am embarrassed for her.

I love my kids. But I am not the type of person who enjoys being around groups of little kids. I will be honest and say that field trips are not my favorite things, at lease with little kids. On the other hand, I love teenagers. I love field trips with teenagers. Call me crazy, but I would rather have a teenager swearing at me, than a little kid whining at me. I'm sure that will change when Akila is a teenager. And for sure when I have 4 teenagers at once. What were we thinking?!?


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who loves kids, but doesn't like to be responsible for groups of them. I love having Buddy, but I absolutely hate babysitting. Playdates are fine, but if someones kids are coming over, I prefer to visit with the parent while the kids play. That way each mom can take care of her own. Whew! I thought I was abnormal...

Torina said...

Good luck on the field trip! I enjoy doing them with my boys, but Tara is the same: either detestable or like velcro when we go on hers.