Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh no

As some of you know, Akila has Turner Syndrome on top of her FASD. The two are totally unrelated, but I have always said they are a nice match. Girls with Turner's are missing their second X chromosome and have issues with puberty, infertility and many other areas.

I have been in a panic the last 1 1/2 hours, searching the internet for more info on Turner. I just found this statement, "Menstruation can occur but this is not an indication of fertility". I am so relieved. Too much info? Sorry. But I'm freaking out. Most girls with Turner's do not get their periods. But Akila never goes with the flow. Get it?


mindfulness said...

I didn't know about Akila's Turner Syndrome. I have had two students with Turner Syndrome and a friend of mine adopted a daughter from Korea whom they later found out had Turners.

What an adventure of discovery our lives are...And I suspect that mine are not finished surprising me...

DynamicDuo said...

Our girls were 11 when they started menstrating, they also have FASD, because of their rapid growth after we brought them home we were surprised it didn't happen when they were even younger. Because of their delayed cognitive development I had bought a book geared toward the younger girls, "The Body Book", that explained with pictures what was happening, I still don't think they really get it. They were very irregular for the first couple of years, we made sure they always had at school extra supplies, extra undies and either a spare pair of jeans or sweatpants in case of surprises. Its not easy or pleasant but you will make it through this, so will Akila, breathe....

AKBrady said...

Oh wow. We have the same problem, but in reverse. Our son in addition to his AS has Klinefelter's syndrome, where he has an extra X in the XY makeup. Best to you gals. Always something...