Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thankful for blog buds

Some people blog every day, even more than once.  I go through spurts.

As I have mentioned, blogging has brought out the emotions in me during this most current painful phase that we are in.  That is part of the reason why I blog, as it is a great way to process things, to get my feelings out, to find people who can empathize or relate with me and any of the situations I write about.  I also do it to bring awareness of the complexities of loving someone with FASD.

Sometimes, when I don't blog, it isn't because of emotions related to a particular situation.  Sometimes, I am just feeling swamped and don't put the time into it.  But I do love it when my blog friends wonder how I am doing if I am silent, and even get worried.  I love this because it shows what a caring community we have created in our mini-blog network.  I get it.  I have blog buds who I worry about if they are silent.  One that usually blogs every day, hasn't blogged since a hard post and I am praying for her.

When we first started this FASD journey, I was seeking a support group, a real life one.  Couldn't find one.  There are ones now, and I go sometimes.  But I was able to get my need met in many ways, through this blog and through all of your support.

I am doing much better each day since Akila has been gone.  She has been gone 12 days.  It still sucks.  It still hurts.  But it feels right.  I do appreciate all of the emails I have received, the emails that have been sent, the real mail that has been sent.  You are all so thoughtful.  So kind.  So loving.  It is amazing.  I am truly blessed.

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