Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DD case management

I met today with the screening and eligibility social workers from Hennepin County. We qualified already, but they needed more info. It was a great meeting with two really good workers. I wish one of them would be our long term case worker, but it won't work out like that.

They are going to try to get us on the DD Waiver which I don't totally grasp yet, but I have been told that this is a great thing. They thought that Akila was severe enough that it shouldn't take too long. There are only so many waivers available for each county and a great demand. I always thought it was a wait list, but they do prioritize and evidently, they thought Akila should be at the top of the list. This is good, I guess!

We also qualify for 90 days of respite a year- wow. So, if we can feel comfortable enough with a family that we don't know, that would be a good resource. I'll have to see how that system works, I am a little leery.

We are also going to apply for a Family Support Grant to pay for a security system, which would help me to sleep more soundly. They thought this would be a no brainer. We will see.

The meeting went very well and I am feeling like I can see through the clouds. Tomorrow is the meeting with the PCA agency and our PCA's so we can get that started. It is amazing how much a little support can help.


Kari said...

90 days of respite?! Wow. We have CADI waivers here and the budgets aren't high enough for much respite but we have fairly good PCA staff time (compared to what we'd get without the waiver!)

Glad to hear you are getting some help!

the johnson crew said...

I am so glad! that is very encouraging I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Two of our kids have DD waivers--they have saved our sanity that is for sure (of course that sanity piece may still be in question!) A DD waiver is the way to go...
I am soooo glad that you are finally getting some additional help...we can talk security systems if you want...we have cameras in every room and also a simple alarm system on doors and windows...the alarms tell us what door was opened but is not hooked up to anything (as far as a monthly service.) That definitely helps me sleep and shower much more peacefully!