Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scared to blog

I have been scared to blog this week about this new medication and the effect it has had on Akila. I am just floored at how calm our week has been.

She has been on it for 2 weeks, and I have not had to restrain her once. She has not hit or kicked me or him even once, a huge change. She has been better at school, and her attitude at home has been much better. We still have our issues, but she is not turning every piddly issue into a major meltdown.

I am not dreading spring break next week like I usually do. I am actually looking forward to it. I have been planning on going over a book series on sex and puberty with the girls at the beginning of the break. I like to do this when there is distance between when Akila hears the info and when she goes to school. She is less likely to be completely obsessed with it and telling everyone about it.

We just got a note from the school, and the school nurse is planning on doing a lesson on puberty on Friday- they are smart also, doing it on the last day before spring break. It is time, I know there has been some really goofy conversations on the bus about sex lately. I will spare you the details, but lets just say that the kids on the bus are not explaining things properly to my kids.


GB's Mom said...

I am glad Akila is doing so well!

Kari said...

I know that feeling of being afraid to say anything about how calm it is...because you know what's just around the corner! But I think the key is to enjoy the calm waters when you can so you can regain your strength for the waves in the distance. Relax and enjoy. :-)

the johnson crew said...

that is really encouraging that akila is doing so well. i will pray your spring break goes well, and the talk goes over smoothly...

AKBrady said...

Isn't it interesting? We pray so hard that our kids will do better and then walk on eggshells when they do. Don't be scared. Be deeply relieved. And do one day at a time, but then, you already know that! Enjoy the puberty talk.